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Published on 07/01/2024 by Atharva Pise

Exciting News 🎉

Last week I received a DM from Otterlord telling me that I am invited to join the @support-patrol role in Astro Lounge. This is a significant achievement for myself including my weekly translation PRs to Astro Docs & Starlight.

otterlord congratulating sphere and atharva for joining support patrol

How did that happened 🤓

Simply put: I just showed up whenever there was an Issue faced by any member in Astro Lounge. That’s what I have been doing over past couple of months. Half of the time I don’t even have the clue about the Issue, I simply google or Docs my way till I find the fix or someone fixes it before me.

Perks 💪

Do I get to kick people? Do I get to mute people? Do I get to ban people? NO. The only perk important for any member to know is @support-patrol have a high trust factor. Any advice/suggestion from such folks can be carried out to diagnose their queries be it in Astro or any technology.

What’s Next 🚴‍♂️

@support-patrol is a milestone and I want to learn more about Astro. Every week I get to experience something different, something that I haven’t faced in a large scale project. Their are repositories that I want to explore & contribute to. Discussions I want to participate, Issues I want to fix. So many things…

Astro Lounge 🚀

Astro Lounge is the offical Discord server for Astro Community. Want to learn more about Astro? Wanna showcase your site made using Astro? Need support with some terminology you read on Astro Docs? Want to participate in Astro Community Events? All of these and more are actively found in Astro Lounge.

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